Happy Thanksgiving!


Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! We hope you all enjoyed a lovely time with your family and friends and came out the other side full of love and good food. We enjoyed a spectacular turkey from Whispering Breeze Farm with Bryan’s family in Bel Air.

As always, it’s back home and back to work, as we set about catching up on Quickbooks and cleaning up, and getting started on 2019 planning.We even made our first seed purchase for next year: ginger!

To ensure the highest quality product, we buy certified organic, disease-free, outdoor grown ginger from Hawaii to ship here in March. These experts have been doing it for 25 years and produce amazing quality seed for one of the most special and unique crops on the farm. And as a little early Christmas gift to ourselves, I also threw in some related Thai ornamental bulbs that I can’t wait to see blooming on the farm.

Tropical farm goals.

Tropical farm goals.

Reminder: New Pickup Location

A very important reminder: this week is the official beginning of the Winter CSA season. If you order between now and April, your share will be available at HEX Ferments in Belvedere Square between 1 and 7pm. No other pickup locations will be active for the winter.

Reminder: Pizza Party Time Change

Because of the snow last week, Well Crafted had to reschedule a large event they’re hosting to our pizza party night, Thursday November 29. There’s still room for us, we just need to make it a little earlier. Instead of the originally planned time, we WILL BE THERE FROM 5:30 TO 7:00 PM ON NOVEMBER 29. There will still be special snacks with Good Dog Farm produce, with the best beer and ‘za in Baltimore available for purchase. Come hungry!

Reminder: Teas and Herbs + Farm Swag

A reminder to try out the herbs and teas we’ve added to our store. This year, our friend and local food and flower maven Shelley White started her own herb farm in lovely Fork, MD (incidentally, right around the literal corner from where Bryan’s dad grew up). Hydes Hill Herbs is only the second dried herb farm in the state (Congrats, Shelley!), and we’re very excited to be able to offer her herbs and teas through our CSA. All products are grown using 100% organic practices, the teas are strictly herbal with no additives, and the culinary herbs pack so much more flavor than anything you’ll find outside your own garden. Give it a try, spice up your winter menu, support another beginning farmer, and never look back!

We’ve also added a new section for Good Dog Farm swag (currently magnets and stickers). Look for new wearable swag in the future! Happy Thanksgiving!

Bryan and parents at the Thanksgiving table.

Bryan and parents at the Thanksgiving table.
