If you ordered maple syrup, it will be in your box this week! If you don’t order anything else, we’ll still send it for pick up this week. If you cannot pick up your syrup this week, please reply to this email and let us know. We’ll hold it for you for the following week!
In addition, we sent an email earlier this morning about your share options for the winter/summer 2019. Check your spam email folder if you did not receive it. There’s good stuff in there!
Greens growing in the high tunnels, cozy and sound
Windy Clean Up
Hi everyone! Well, we’re officially in clean up mode. This includes pulling our plastic mulch that covered the beds of our summer crops our of the soil so that we can plant cover crops. This will help to reduce weeds, add nutrients back into the soil, and reduce erosion during the winter months. Not the most glamorous task, but crucial to our soil health and in some way quite satisfying. We’re digging up the last of our sweet potatoes which will be ready in a few weeks once they’ve cured aka gotten super sweet! We’re starting to make plans for our crop plan and CSA for 2019, which feels exciting though a bit overwhelming. We have plenty of time to scheme for 2019 this winter in between packing winter CSA boxes, so we’re also trying to take a bit of a rest and enjoy time with friends and family.
Bryan with our friends Christy and Connor at Dylan’s Oyster Cellar’s “Beer for Farmers” event last Sunday
What We’re Eating
It was warm again for a minute there, but now that it’s back to fall weather, we’re right back to cozy food! We’re back into Shepherd’s Pie season, which is a family favorite in our household. We recommend using carrots and turnips in the filling, and of course, creamy yummy potatoes on top!
Shepherd’s Pie is one of those delicious foods that looks a bit wretched in photos, so I thought I’d just link to a recipe that’s similar to the one we make. Here’s on from The Food Network.
Paco admires a winter radish
CSA Member Happy Hour November 29th
Join us for a celebration! We're having a special happy hour for Good Dog Farm CSA members at Well Crafted Pizza (1700 W 41st St, Baltimore, MD 21211) on Thursday November 29th, 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm. Well Crafted will be making us some special snacks from Good Dog Farm produce, and of course there's yummy beers from Union available for purchase. Please RSVP to this email by November 25th so that we know how much food to make. Can't wait to meet/see you all there!
Thanks everyone!
Joanna & Bryan