Sunrise on the farm
Gearing Up for Growth
So many plants are popping up around the farm this week! Many of them are things we've grown before, but not at this farm, like swiss chard, snap peas, and strawberries. But some of them are things we've never grown before period like sweet corn! We're also turning over one of our faithful winter growing spaces from salad greens to cucumbers this weekend, which is a sure sign of summer to come! We found a few flowers on our strawberry plants this week, so fingers crossed that they'll make delicious berries and that the deer won't eat them all. Cross your fingers for a berry-ful spring!
First comes flowers, then comes berries!
Keep getting your personalized box of weekly vegetables this summer by signing up for a Summer CSA share. The lowest buy-in rate is $180 with payment due before the first pick up (late May.) We've added two new pick up locations that you're welcome to switch to once the main season starts in May: Charles Village and Ednor Gardens! There are a limited number of shares available for pick up at HEX Ferments, so sign up ASAP if you want to keep picking up your share there!
To complete your summer sign up on Small Farm Central, click here. In the green box at the top of the page, select 2018 season. Select "2018" on the next page. Next, under "Main Season CSA,"and choose your share size. Let us know if you have any questions or issues.
What We're Eating
Wilted Mustard Greens
This is one of my favorite way to eat greens, period! Put a little bit of a neutral oil in a pan over medium heat. Add the greens, stir, and cook for a couple of minutes. Add about 1T soy sauce, stir, and cook for a couple more minutes. Serve topped with white and black sesame seeds. Enjoy!
And a sunset rounds out a day at the farm
Have a great week!
- Joanna and Bryan