Spring is springing and I wanted to share some pictures of things waking up around the farm, plus some exciting announcements.
It really feels like spring here on the farm, though we have some chilly nights coming up this week that will provide a reality check! Our greenhouse is full of tiny plants, and the tractor is back in the field. In the next few weeks we're be in serious planting mode!
We also reached the final week of our winter CSA - it was such a joy feeding folks even in the coldest temperatures! We hope to expand our winter membership in 2023.
Plant babies who have already “graduated” to living outdoors!
We’re starting the first seeds of 2022 this week in advance of our spring plant sales! F or the first time in 2022, we’re making our organically grown vegetable and herb plants available to everyone! You can preorder your plants for pick up at the following events:
Saturday April 9th, 10:00 am - 1:00 pm: Spring Plant Pick Up at Good Dog Farm (PRE-ORDER ONLY)
Saturday April 23rd, 11:00 am - 4:00 pm: Pop up plant sale at B Willow
Saturday April 30th, 10:00 am - 2:00 pm: Plant Sale at Good Dog Farm
Sunday May 1st, 10:00 am - 2:00 pm: Pop Up Plant Sale at Farm to Face Cafe
Saturday May 7th, 11:00 am - 4:00 pm: Pop up plant sale at B Willow
Except for April 9th, you can buy plants on site as well, but pre-ordering is the best way to make sure we’ll have the exact varieties that you’d like. Click here for ordering directions and link to the plant store.
If you spend more than $20 you’ll get a 10% discount (enter code BULK at check out), and CSA members get an additional 10% off (check your email for a special code once you join)!
Kaiti using the spader to prep ground for our spring veggies.
From left to right - old brussel sprout plants, lush rye cover crop, and oak trees covered in red buds.
The bees are more active now, coming and going from the hives.
Abram is laying out more irrigation header line so that we can get water to our plants when they need it.
The magnolia tree in front of our house is close to blooming!
Our CSA is starting to fill up, so make sure to sign up soon if you want to eat super well this year!